Independent student newspaper of Bishop’s University

By Jayme Marteniuk – Staff Writer

Everyone says that the years in university will be some of the best of your life, but no one talks about making your own decisions for the first time, or better yet, being an actual adult – from cooking on your own to trying to maintain a healthy gym schedule, all while trying to have the best social experience. It is important to remember that even though these are supposed to be some of your best years, they will also probably be some of your hardest. So, imagine me as your older sibling telling you the real truth behind university. 

1. Don’t bank on food magically appearing in your fridge. 

Back at home with your parents, food somehow magically appeared when you were hungry. Now, you actually need to learn how to cook and have to go buy your own groceries. Don’t rely on the convenient and delicious McDonald’s that’s within a two-minute walk from where you live. I am guilty of this, but just don’t do it. Don’t give in to the temptation, and stop with the Mr. Noodles. 

2. You’ll find yourself swearing off alcohol more times than you can shake a cocktail shaker. 

You will have never experienced a hangover quite like a university hangover. It will hurt. Forget about a productive Sunday. You’ll wake up at noon whether you like it or not and have your one egg and a stale loaf of bread that’s left in the fridge. 

3. You’ll second guess yourself. 

You’ll find yourself questioning yourself at least once a day. Am I keeping up with school? Do I have enough friends? Why am I studying this? Am I doing university the right way? You’ll end up finding out there’s no right way to do anything. The right way is what YOU make of it. Stop worrying, and there’s a good chance that everything will work out in the end. 

4. You will work with people you hate. 

Or, should I say, dislike; hate is a strong word. No matter what you do, no matter where you go, people you don’t like will find you. They may not be your vibe, and they might be as pleasant as hugging a cactus. People can be mean and vindictive. Try not to let them spoil your time here. It’s not like you take a massive leap into a more mature social circle when you get to university. Be patient, and don’t let their immaturity get the best of you. 

5. Being single is like having a VIP pass to the ultimate party of life. 

Embrace the solo life instead of dreading it. Believe me, dating in university is like trying to find Bigfoot… it never appears and doesn’t exist. 

6. Snow days are scarce. 

Classes will no longer be cancelled for being snowed in. We go to school in the Eastern Townships, where it will suddenly snow 10 cm in April. So, get used to trekking through piles of snow, slush, ice and arctic cyclones to get to a lecture about Marxism in the late 1900s, all the while ruining a fresh new pair of Uggs. Classes will always go on. 

7. You should choose your friends wisely. 

The company you keep is one of life’s most important elements that you will carry along as you grow. Keep in mind that you can only rise as high as those around you. So, aim to surround yourself with people who will ignite the goodness in you, who inspire you and most importantly, who will cherish you for you. Remember, seek quality relationships over quantity. There’s a reason why Lamborghini’s are made with only two seats in them. 

8. Take care of your health. 

This includes all types of health, physically and mentally. Your well-being can influence your happiness and productivity throughout your years at university. A loved, healthy body thrives best when it is fueled by care for your mental state. Eat well, get off your phone and explore the beautiful scenery the Eastern Townships has to offer. 

9. Nobody will ever love you more than a supportive family.

If we’re lucky, our parents are our biggest cheerleaders, and we should never take them for granted. As you build your early career, even if you’re unemployed or party the weekends away, your parents stay proud of you. Pick up the phone once in a while, and give them a call. While you’re at it, let them know that you love them. 

10. People aren’t watching as closely as you think they are. 

They don’t care as much as you think. You shouldn’t care what anybody thinks about who you are or what you do. Everyone is wrapped up in their own lives, and everyone has their own problems. Focus on you and what makes you happy, because you’re the only one that actually matters in the end. 

11. Take your studies seriously.

You’re here for an education. Don’t get caught up in drama or putting your energy into meaningless shenanigans. Just go to your classes.


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